
  • Title: For the Better Outcomes in Oropharyngeal Cancer
  • 2024년7월 20일 암병원 지하1층 강당
시간 프로그램 좌장/연자
    행사진행: 최나연 
  Welcome address 정만기 (성균관의대)
09:00-10:15 Session 1. Updates in curative treatment of HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer 좌장: 손영익 (성균관의대)
09:00-09:15 Postoperative adjuvant therapy: De-intensification or not? 정만기 (성균관의대)
09:15-09:30 Neoadjuvant therapy followed by surgery: Enough evidence? 김다희 (연세의대)
09:30-09:45 Definitive radiotherapy: Any changes in dose and fractionation?양경미 (성균관의대 방사선종양학과)
09:45-10:15 Roundtable discussionModerator: 손영익
Panelist:  정만기 (성균관의대), 양경미 (성균관의대 방사선종양학과),
정유석 (국립암센터), 김다희 (연세의대), 우승훈 (단국의대)
10:15-10:25 Coffee break  
10:25-11:40 Session 2. Current status of oropharyngeal cancer treatment in Korea 좌장: 정만기 (성균관의대)
10:25-10:40 Experiences and challenges in oropharynx cancer treatment using TORS 홍현준 (연세의대)
10:40-10:55 Treatment protocol based on neoadjuvant therapy and its unmet needs 정우진 (서울의대)
10:55-11:10 Salvage surgery after definitive radiotherapy and outcomes 최나연 (성균관의대)
11:10-11:40 Panel discussionModerator: 최나연
Panelist:  홍현준 (연세의대), 정우진 (서울의대), 주영훈 (가톨릭의대), 신유섭 (아주의대)
11:40-12:10 특강좌장: 손영익 (성균관의대)
11:40-12:10 Radiation oncologist's perspective for the better outcomes안용찬 (성균관의대 방사선종양학과)
12:10-13:10 Photo and Lunch  
13:10-14:40 Session 3. Surveillance after definitive treatment for oropharynx cancer 좌장: 정한신 (성균관의대)
13:10-13:30 Role of ct HPV DNA for surveillance after oropharynx cancer treatment문성호 (국립암센터 방사선종양학과)
13:30-13:50 Updates in PET surveillance after RT for oropharyngeal cancer 문승환 (핵의학과)
13:50-14:10 Salvage or not in patients with equivocal response after radiotherapy 장전엽 (아주의대)
14:10-14:40 Roundtable discussionModerator: 정한신
Panelist:  문성호 (국립암센터 방사선종양학과), 장전엽 (아주의대),
문승환 (성균관의대 핵의학과), 이동근 (동아의대), 박준욱 (가톨릭의대)
14:40-14:50 Coffee break  
14:50-16:20 Session 4. Strategy for recurrent/metastatic oropharynx cancer좌장: 백정환 (성균관의대)
14:50-15:05 Systematic treatment: just palliative or curative?정현애 (성균관의대 혈액종양내과)
15:05-15:20 Re-irradiation in R/M oropharynx cancer: feasible & safe?오동렬 (성균관의대 방사선종양학과)
15:20-15:35 Reconstruction issues in salvage surgery 정은재 (서울의대)
15:35-16:20 Tumor boardModerator: 정만기
Panelist: 정현애 (성균관의대 혈액종양내과), 이윤세 (울산의대), 오동렬 (성균관의대 방사선종양학과),
정은재 (서울의대), 안순현 (서울의대), 김철호 (아주의대)